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Cosmic Oppositions

Our solar system is always moving through the Milky Way galaxy on a much longer cycle than the seasonal or planetary cycles we observe in astrology. These cosmic cycles provide a vast framework for understanding Earth time. For instance, the Moon, which completes its orbit around Earth in 28 days, influences our emotions. In contrast, Pluto, with a 248-year cycle, reflects generational shifts. Speaking of which—what generation are you? I’m Gen X! We could go on about generational markers, but today I want to explore something different: the Sphinx, pictured above.

The Sphinx is aligned with the star constellation Leo, symbolizing the Age of Leo in humanity’s ancient past. Today, however, the constellation Aquarius is rising in the same position, marking the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. This shift in cosmic alignment is fascinating, as Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs, representing contrasting energies. In ancient times, the Sphinx faced the constellation Leo—a reflection of its own lion-like form—while Aquarius lay behind it. Now, Aquarius faces the Sphinx, with Leo behind. This cosmic opposition, spanning thousands of years, brings about a powerful opportunity for humanity to gain new clarity and insight.

In astrology, oppositions (180 degrees apart) create tension between two energies that don’t naturally understand each other—like hot and cold, or yin and yang. Yet, these opposites offer a unique perspective: by looking from one end to the other, we gain a clearer vision of what lies on the other side. Imagine planting trees without knowing what they’ll look like until you step back and see the whole picture. The cosmic clock is offering humanity just that—a broader perspective on its past and future.

Many people today, including myself, experience memories or visions of ancient Egypt, especially through meditation. It feels as though those of us who lived in that era, when the Sphinx faced Leo, have returned now to see, understand, or perhaps complete what we began back then. Oppositions in astrology also create an infinity-like dynamic, with energies flowing back and forth, representing beginnings and endings, much like a portal through time. This infinite flow connects us to past ages, allowing us to revisit them effortlessly.

I recently watched Matias De Stefano’s series on Gaia TV, where he recounts his memories of ancient lives and how he’s now here to complete what he started long ago, particularly from ancient Egypt. It’s remarkable to witness this cycle coming full circle and see new ones beginning. Many of us may feel a similar calling, possibly activated by this cosmic alignment and opposition.

If you’re intrigued, I highly recommend Matias’s series on Gaia TV. Watching it with an open mind may even spark memories of your own, connecting you to the Age of Leo.