Waking up to being bombarded with information on the Schumann resonance, I have to agree that something is seriously changing. What about astrologically? We just had the Gemini New Moon with a Neptune square, which made it hard for us to make decisions and left us feeling dreamy.

At the same time, we had a planetary alignment in the sky, the actual location of the planets in space. Sidereal astrologers use this to make their interpretations. Planetary alignment is an astronomical term used to describe the event when several planets gather closely on one side of the Sun at the same time. The alignment of Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury is appearing in the sky on June 21, which is the summer solstice, also known as when the Sun enters 0 degrees Cancer.

In mythology, these five planets are actually in the same family line. Uranus is the father of Saturn. Saturn gave birth to Jupiter and Neptune. Mercury is the son of Jupiter. All these males in the family are parading, seemingly emphasizing Saturn’s last chance to build the inner father energy. Additionally, we have a Venus, Mars, and Moon conjunction in Leo on the summer solstice day. This means the masculine and feminine energies need to work together, like a dance.

All the cardinal points in astrology are based on tropical astrology, which is different from Sidereal. Cardinal signs start each season in Tropical Astrology (Aries = Spring, Cancer = Summer, Libra = Autumn, Capricorn = Winter). However, my viewpoint is that everything is connected: everything is “As above, so below”. So how we are experiencing the solstice and the planetary alignment in the sky is tightly linked together as one.
Many people talk about the timeline shift, merging, Mother Gaia receiving her higher frequency now, or even the end of the world. Whatever the case, we can feel the big changes in the air.
Stay in your heart space, and your heart will guide you through this amazing phenomenon. Have you been feeling this energy shift lately? Share your comments below.
Schumann Resonance: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7
Schumann Resonance 6/17-6/18/2023 audio extracted in PhotoSounder: https://youtu.be/IZbWAI0ita8
Planetary Alignment: https://starwalk.space/en/news/what-is-planet-parade